Director of Community Services
City of Rohnert Park
Rohnert Park, California
Cindy is a Certified Parks and Recreation Professional (CPRP) and has been working in the municipal Parks and Recreation since 2009. She started as a program supervisor for the Town of Windosr and is now the Director of Community Services for the City of Rohnert Park. Cindy served on the California Park and Recreation Society State Board of Directors for four years as the Region 1 Representative. Prior to her service on the State Board, Cindy served on the District 1 Board of Director for four years, one as a Board Member at Large and three in the Presidential Series. Cindy now serves as the Chair of the Advocacy Team (A-Team) for CPRS. Cindy has presented education sessions at several CPRS District and Section events as well as at the CPRS State Conference. Cindy has a passion for teaching, sports, theater, and fitness.
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Tell Your Story and Tell it Effectively
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
2:45 PM – 4:00 PM