RT: A Game by another Name. Improvisation, Drama Therapy and Recreation Therapy in creating dynamic/innovative therapeutic games for any population.
Monday, April 3, 2023
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Room: 6C/6D
Eligible for 0.15 CEUs
Session Description: Participants will learn basic foundations of theatrical improvisation, then be broken into break out groups and apply these principles in creating interactive games out of 10 random objects. (1 hour)
Then the participant will be given some cognitive, affective or behavioral board games from various areas that they might work in, (psychiatric, community health, geriatric etc.). The new break out groups will devise ways to apply the skills they acquired in the first hour in making the board game interactive in some way.
They groups will demonstrate these for the entire group. (I hour).
Learning Objectives:
They will understand and repeat several basic theater improvisation skills.
Participants will engage in and develop games from objects that they in turn can teach to and involve their current populations in.
Participants will understand and incorporate the basic elements of various types of cognitive, affective and behavioral board games with activity and embodiment so to bring these games from the board and into physical interaction.