Session Description: "Healer... heal thyself". This is a phrase that is very common, yet very hard to practice, especially for the healing practitioner. It is very easy for professionals who hold healing space for others to forget to tune back into self. It can get to the point where we lose connection to our somatic cues and fail to recognize when our bodies are asking of us to tune back in. This is where I come in. As a somatically trained healing professional and former psychotherapist now intuitive wellness coach, I love holding space for professionals to have a moment to tune back into self, recognize when the body needs care, and to know what kind of care to offer one self. I would love to come back another year and offer another self care healing session to the participants of the conference.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion, participants will be able to practice honoring self care, listen to their somatic cues, and apply practical & approachable self care interventions to help keep themselves balanced.
Upon completion, participants will be able to have an accessible and individually applicable self-care toolbox that they can then bring into their everyday lives
Upon completion, participants will know it is okay to honor the self, especially as professionals who have to hold space for others. Participants will be able to implement self care interventions regardless of time available.