RT: You Can Teach New Tricks to an Old RT; The Benefits of Lifelong Learning
Monday, April 3, 2023
5:15 PM – 6:15 PM
Room: 6C/6D
Eligible for 0.1 CEUs
Session Description: Lifelong learning opportunities have many benefits. As we age and consider retirement or new career paths, acknowledging our past experiences, skills development and future potential opportunities are key factors for successful aging. This session will focus on exploring our personal journeys as we age, recognizing our unique strengths from our careers as a Recreation Therapist and how lifelong learning opportunities influence positive and successful aging.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this session, the participant will discuss at least 4 strengths and skills that have achieved as a result of a career in Recreation Therapy
Upon completion, participants will identify at least 3 benefits of the lifelong learning process and how it contributes to successful aging.
Upon completion, participants will identify at least 3 benefits of lifelong learning and how this contribute to successful aging experiences.