Handling Challenging Conversations with a Polarized Public
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
9:00 AM – 10:30 AM
Room: 6A/6B
Eligible for 0.1 CEUs
It seems society is more divided than ever, and that tumult presents itself in our daily lives. As park and recreation professionals, there is often an expectation to “keep the peace”, even while dealing with difficult personalities. Sometimes, people who feel wronged are intent on venting their anger and directing it towards staff, whether or not staff had any control over the outcome.
This keynote, presented by the President of the National Conflict Resolution Center, will help you see beyond the complaint to the underlying need of the person, recognize the importance of solving problems with members of the public and show how to respectfully respond to the emotions of others to achieve better outcomes.
This session will be preceded by the announcement of CPRS Awards of Excellence!
Learning Objectives:
Learn to see beyond the “complaint” to the underlying need of the other person
Recognize the importance of solving problems with members of the public
Learn to think about how to respectfully respond to the emotions of others to achieve better outcomes