Session Description: If you are like most, you are uncomfortable with data and unsure about its potential impact within your organization. When you hear things like “analytics and data-driven decision making” you just aren’t sure how to make this happen. The reality is that those who work in service driven professions likes parks and recreation can sometimes find it hard to focus on data, know what to collect, and delivering a message in an effective and persuasive manner. However, if we can allow ourselves to think differently about “the data” we can begin to see the benefits a bit more clearly and replace fear and anxiety with optimism and possibility towards understanding of how it can help you get results.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion, participants will be able to identify data that is useful when influencing decision makers.
Upon completion, participants will be able to list 3-5 data metrics they have access to inside of their organization.
Upon completion, participants will be able to articulate 10 benefits of the data they have access to and connect it to their future need for creating desired results.